Central Park, Leopardstown

Located in one of Dublin’s most affluent suburbs, Central Park is an award-winning commercial and residential development distinguished by world-class architecture, a commitment to sustainability and a unique community programme: Live Work Grow. Our client required a flexible system which could accommodate a mix of users.
Client requirements
- Residential parking access – fobless entry
- Public parking access via standard parking ticket
- Restricted delivery gate access and monitoring incorporated into the realtime webserver.
- Out of hour’s access and control for remotely located security office.
- Both remote and centralised reporting of current status, including alarms, occupancy reports, etc
- Reports to aid revenue management.
- Tariff to accommodate off peak hours, overnight rates and a cap on daily charges.
Hybrid solution to cater for residents, public access and commercial outlets.
Quaestor implemented a hybrid system consisting of paper tickets for daily parkers and chip card access for residents. To ensure the residents did not require additional fobs, Long Range Reader (LRR) technology was employed at entry & exit points. Windscreen mounted chip cards allow residents to seamlessly enter and exit the car park.
Paper ticket technology permits non residents to enter and avail of public parking spaces. Pay stations facilitate payment by coins, notes and credit cards (both contactless and magnetic strip).
Delivery gates are activated by chip cards, programmed with the appropriate access rights.
Out of hours the security office can access the back office via a web connection, giving full control of barriers.
An additional security barrier located outside of the car park and managed during off peak times by site security is also equipped with a LRR. This ensures residents have ease off access to the development prior to entering the card park.
In keeping with ICA’s focus on reliability and low running costs the exit & entry barriers use state of the art drive technology which provides high speed entry/exit whilst consuming 75% less energy compared to similar products on the market. In addition the entry/exit stations are specified for 10 million cycles of operation.
With excellent reliability the system lends itself to both manned and unmanned management, thanks to the autonomy of the individual components each unit can be operated entirely independently from the other components.
As required from the outset a flexible solution, reliable and cost effective capable of accommodating multiple user types was implemented.
ICA’s focus on design for reliability and efficiency coupled with Quaestor’s years of service experience in fare collection systems ensured the client obtained an optimal solution that will serve the business for many years to come